Acupuncture and Nutritional Support
If you are one of the millions of people who made a New Year’s resolution last month to eat better and make healthier choices in 2023, then it might be time to take stock of how that process is going. Are you already off the wagon and back to your unhealthy habits? Or are you keeping your eye on your goals and making progress? No matter which side of the coin you fall on, you might want to talk to your acupuncturist about your nutritional goals. They can be a wealth of information and help as you look to build a better and stronger you. continue reading
Food as Medicine
Mama Always Said: You Are What You Eat
Maybe mom really did know best when it came to nutrition. As research has shown, what we eat can actually impact our health profoundly. Over the years, we have learned that our dietary choices can influence our risk of disease. And some have made it a profitable business to teach us new ways to look at food (anti-inflammatory diet, Keto, heart healthy, etc.). continue reading
*Vitamin D-(liquid form)-This important vitamin is crucial in the Winter. I also use my Happy Light while Im on the treadmill or even reading for about 20 minutes a day. This encourages natural Vitamin D makingJ and definitely improves my mood.
*Zinc– Liquid zinc is important for immunity and for Zapping viruses in the body and throat. I like to put my zinc(2 full droppers) mixed with filtered water into a small spray bottle. So 2 droppers of zinc, some peppermint essential oil(10 drops), the rest water. Keep these bottles around the house, in the car, by the bed. Spray 2 squirts several times a day and whenever you have a throat tickle.
*Quercitin-takes zinc to cells(think natural Hydroxychloroquine), great for immunity.
*Melatonin– helps with sleep and immunity- 3 to 5 mg before bed. Start low and take 5 if needed.
*Ester C. – Easily assimilated by the body. Great for Immunity- 2000-3000mg
If you would like to add my favorite anti-viral herb, then take Cats Claw(liquid) or Cats Claw(capsule). I like to take this before bed, as it goes to the liver to clear out viruses and bacteria. 2 droppers of liquid or 2 capsules.
Another great layer of protection is a product called Nozin. You apply it with a Qtip just inside your nostrils(smells like oranges) and it kills bacteria and viruses that enter. I love it and feel like its another layer under my mask. Grab it here- Nozin!
Balance Your Body – Stave off COVID-19
If you feel like you’re battling frequent colds, a cough that won’t quit, or just seem to be tired all the time, it may benefit you to find time for a daily walk or simple exercise routine. Doing this a few times per week can have many health benefits and help build your immune system.
Viruses such as COVID-19 take hold in our bodies when our immune systems are at their weakest points. Below are a few ways to help increase your immune function so your body can function as it’s meant to and stay balanced! continue reading
Foods to Eat to Help Depression
Many have heard the question posed what came first, the chicken or the egg? But how does that concept apply to depression? It’s well-known that when we’re depressed, our motivation and interest in maintaining a healthy and balanced diet subsides in the same way our energy does. Harvard Medical Students positioned that same question in relation to depression; what came first, depression or a poor diet? continue reading